Despite the advancements in automotive technology, such as adaptive lighting, backup cameras, and forward collision systems (FCS), car crashes still occur on roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2018, 2.71 million people required medical attention due to road accidents, and 36,560 individuals lost their lives as a result of these crashes.

Accidents can have a profound effect on a person's life, regardless of their severity. They can lead to emotional issues, permanent disability, or loss of income. Although there are a significant number of traffic accidents, it's essential to understand the causes of car accidents. This blog offers an in-depth analysis of the top causes of car accidents.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the main causes of motor accidents. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study shows that nine Americans die as a result of distracted driving every day. When driving, even the slightest distraction can have disastrous results. Contrary to popular opinion, the brain is incapable of multitasking properly.

Driving distractions can be categorized using the following three categories:

  • Visual distraction occurs when you shift your view from the road because something else is drawing your attention.
  • Being manually distracted forces you to remove your hand from the steering wheel.
  • Cognitive distraction is defined as anything that makes it difficult for you to focus while driving.

A few examples of activities that can cause distractions include eating, using a GPS, talking with passengers, using a cell phone while driving, and switching between songs.

Driving While Under The Influence Of Drugs Or Alcohol

In the United States, alcohol-related car crashes claim the lives of about 28 people every day. This translates to one fatal drunk driving incident every 52 minutes. It affects brain function, motor coordination, and cognition.

Law enforcement officers use the blood alcohol concentration test to gauge the extent of a driver's intoxication. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent or greater, you could be charged with driving while intoxicated and given a legal impression of impairment.

Likewise, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol could result in a DUI. According to California law, these substances comprise prescription pharmaceuticals, marijuana, over-the-counter treatments including antihistamines and cold remedies, and illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

California VC 23152(g) forbids using both narcotics and alcohol and doing so can result in a DUI conviction.


In 45% of all fatal speeding accidents, the driver was traveling too fast for the road conditions, and in 55% of cases, the speed limit was exceeded. A car needs a wider stopping distance to prevent colliding with something faster than it is moving.

Speed-related collisions unleash a lot of energy upon impact, which is why they frequently have catastrophic results. As a result, drivers are required by law to always be aware of their speed.

In California, the majority of highways have maximum speed restrictions of 65 mph. However, two-lane undivided roads are assumed to have a maximum speed limit of 55 mph if it is not stated otherwise. In alleys, blind crossroads, and railroad crossings, the speed limit is 15 mph; in business and residential areas, it is 25 mph.

Drivers should maintain a safe following distance behind the car in front of them. Driving too close to another vehicle, or tailgating, is a dangerous and aggressive behavior that increases the risk of rear-end collisions. Usually, the driver who is tailgating is at fault in these situations since they failed to maintain a safe distance.

Changing Lanes Unsafely

Someone abruptly changing lanes in front of you without indicating is perhaps one of the most annoying things you witness on the road. If the offending car doesn't glance before merging, this conduct can be far more dangerous than just inconvenient.

Not Checking Your Blind Spots

Failing to monitor one's blind areas while driving can lead to side-swipes or rear-end collisions, which are among the most frequent causes of auto accidents. By keeping an eye on your blind zones, signaling before merging, and using your mirrors, you can easily prevent such accidents.

Running Stop Signs and Red Lights

Many reasons can cause accidents at an intersection with a stop sign. In California, this happens when cars do not come to a complete stop at stop signs, which could create dangerous situations.

On the flip side, distracted driving, impaired visibility, and driver overspeeding result in such incidents. The United States registers about 700,000 traffic cases each year, of which fatal crashes and serious injuries involving stop signs account for a significant number.

High Volume of Traffic

Even if it might not directly cause accidents, high traffic makes driving more difficult and raises the risk of one. Hollywood is located in Los Angeles, making it one of the most populous cities in the US as well as a sunny paradise.

Roadways are frequently clogged even during off-peak hours in the city because of its vast population, which also includes several well-known tourist destinations and numerous sports teams, including the Dodgers, Rams, Lakers, Galaxy, Clippers, Kings, and Chargers. The odds of getting involved in an automobile accident will rise with increased traffic volume.

Reckless Driving

Among other things, reckless driving entails disobeying traffic laws, driving too quickly in lanes, and disregarding the lives and property of others.

Any turn that departs from the particular rules regulating a given street is considered illegal. going left, for instance, when a sign prohibits going left. Despite its initial insignificance, this is a frequent occurrence and a significant contributor to road accidents.

When a driver makes a wrong turn, they run the risk of colliding with oncoming traffic or getting stopped in an unsafe situation. Wrong turns that could result in serious injuries include improper U-turns and lane changes.

Inexperience and Poor Decision-Making

Other driving habits can also cause car accidents. Drivers tend to make rash choices like speeding, tailgating, or driving carelessly before they have a chance to correct their mistakes, which raises the likelihood of an accident. Poor judgment can occasionally result in driving at dangerous speeds, especially when visibility and weather conditions are taken into consideration.

In addition, the CDC notes that speeding is a contributing factor in roughly one out of every three fatal collisions. Young people driving at fast speeds are a significant cause of car accidents. One common cause of car accidents involves young individuals traveling at high speeds. This is because teenage drivers, especially males, are more likely to drive fast compared to older individuals. Also, individuals with limited technical driving skills could lack the ability to safely operate a vehicle at high rates of speed.

Aggressive Driving

Acts of aggressive driving can include things like over-speeding, changing lanes frequently without indicating direction, cutting off other vehicles without signaling, and neglecting road signs and lights.

Drivers Not Aware Of Their Environment

The majority of drivers who disregard traffic signs or any other kind of guidance while operating a motor vehicle are the primary cause of accidents on highways.


Fatigued drivers are exposed to similar risks as those who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A fatigued driver is less likely to react promptly to potential traffic dangers and is more likely to fall asleep while driving. An impaired or fatigued driver is much more likely to miss a traffic signal or a stop sign than a careful driver.

Common Causes of Auto Accidents That Aren't Linked to Human Error

Even the most cautious and safe motorists can get into accidents, and it isn't always their fault. There might be more important things at play. These include the following:

Weather Conditions

According to Department of Transportation statistics, 21 percent of road accidents are caused by weather-related conditions. Rain, snow, sleet, and fog can alter vision and traction, which can drastically alter driving conditions. When faced with bad weather, it's best to pull over and wait for the conditions to clear up and dry out.

If you are unable to stop, be more vigilant and take extra safety measures. Turn on your headlights and fog lights, keep your speed low, avoid tailgating, and use your turn signals early.

Road Conditions

Poorly maintained roads increase the risk of tire blowouts and impair a driver's ability to stop, which is a major contributor to automobile accidents in the US.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 18.3% of crashes involving cars moving in the opposite direction and 20.2% of single-vehicle route departure occurrences occur on dangerous highways.

Defects in the Vehicle

Keeping a car safe and operational is a complex task that involves several auto parts. However, due to the intricate nature of these parts, malfunctions and fires are common occurrences.

Blown Tires

An emergency tire blowout could be terrifying and risky for other motorists, regardless of the time or location. When a tire abruptly loses pressure, it causes this to happen. Either the tire will blow out or it will tear apart while driving. A blowout could result in the driver losing control of the vehicle, and the tire debris could fly into other vehicles, inflicting further damage.

Tire-related incidents rank among the most prevalent types of accidents in the US, with thousands of occurrences and about 750 fatalities in 2017 alone. The most effective approaches for drivers to avoid this are routine tire checkups and vehicle maintenance.

Older and Younger Drivers

Motorists of all ages could get involved in or accountable for an accident, although some demographics—young and old drivers, for example—are more likely to be the cause of an accident. This is frequently caused by factors such as inexperience, ignorance, and young drivers' propensity for unsafe activities like texting and driving. Nevertheless, age-related problems, including hearing, vision, and movement impairments, could increase the risk of an accident for older drivers.

Critical Steps to Take Following an Auto Accident

It's critical to know what to do to safeguard yourself and improve your chances of winning a personal injury claim if you think another driver caused the collision. Your priorities should be your safety and well-being. You or a neighbor should dial 911 if you are hurt and unable to move, then wait for the paramedics to come.

Before you check on the other motorists involved in the collision, make sure to evaluate yourself and anyone else in the vehicle if you believe you could have only minor injuries. When it comes to legal or insurance-related matters, it is advisable to remain at the scene of the accident until you have taken images of it.

Take pictures of your injuries, the damage to your car, the locations of the other cars involved in the collision, and the surroundings if you are healthy enough to do so. Find any potential eyewitnesses to the incident and get in touch with them as well.

According to California state law, any auto accident resulting in a fatality, serious injury, or substantial property damage has to be reported to the police. Even if you are unsure if an accident warrants calling 911, it is always advisable to report it. Notifying law enforcement will create a police report that could come in handy later on if you decide to pursue a personal injury lawsuit or an insurance claim against the at-fault driver.

When the police arrive at the crash scene, provide them with an honest response, but be careful not to say anything that can be seen as an admission of guilt. Until you are permitted to depart, keep your answers succinct. If your injuries are severe, an ambulance will likely transport you to the closest hospital.

If you feel well enough to leave on your own, it's crucial to get medical attention right away, even if you think you just have minor scratches and bruises. It's possible that you have internal ailments but are unaware of them, or that the extent of your known injuries could be underestimated.

Your physician can give you a medical report that outlines your injuries and prognosis in case you need to make a future insurance claim or pursue legal action against another motorist.

Why Is Driving While Distracted Dangerous?

Unaware of the risks their actions cause to other drivers, many drivers engage in distracting conduct while driving. For example, a driver could think it's acceptable to take a little break to view a recent text message.

Depending on their speed, they could traverse hundreds of feet in that brief period. You run a significant risk of being unable to respond quickly to changes in traffic conditions if you are not paying attention to the road or if you are using both hands for duties other than driving.

Where Do Auto Accidents Occur Most Frequently?

Intersections are places where traffic is denser and narrower, making it more prone to accidents. These areas generally have a high number of drivers and are responsible for most accidents. Two-lane roads, rural highways, and stop sign junctions are some of the most frequent sites for auto accidents.

Consequently, regardless of where they are traveling, drivers need to constantly be extremely aware of their surroundings. In the end, a driver's chances of getting into an accident on a residential street are similar to those on a freeway.

Do Most Auto Accidents Take Place Near Home?

Auto accident statistics show that most collisions occur in the vicinity of the driver's home because most drivers travel close to their place of residence. While accidents can sometimes happen when traveling to other places, driving in familiar surroundings close to home carries the largest danger.

Is It Necessary to Hire Legal Counsel After an Auto Accident?

If you have lost a loved one in a car accident caused by someone else or you were injured in a car accident that was not your fault, working with an experienced attorney can significantly improve the quality of your rehabilitation. An experienced attorney can help you determine who is responsible for your losses, provide ongoing support and guidance during your case, and ensure you receive the maximum compensation allowed under California state law.

How Much Is a Wrongful Death Claim Worth?

A wrongful death claim aims to make up for the decedent's family's loss of love, support, and direction. In addition to paying for the deceased's burial and funeral expenses, the victim's family could also be eligible to file a survival lawsuit if the victim did not die from the accident right away and their estate suffered losses like lost income and medical costs. Your lawyer can assist you in calculating the damages that are recoverable from your claim.

Contact a Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

Thousands of people still lose their lives in car accidents every year, despite increased awareness and education. If another person's negligence caused an automobile accident that injured you, you could be able to seek compensation for your losses by filing a personal injury claim. We at The LA Personal Injury Law Firm can provide you with legal advice and help you through the claims procedure. Our personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles can help you receive the fair compensation that you deserve. Call us now at 310-935-0089.