Recovering from an accident involves significant physical and emotional challenges, coupled with the weight of substantial injuries and considerable financial strains. The monetary repercussions are immediate and extend over the long term. This necessitates a thorough consideration of the complete extent of losses. Unfortunately, insurance companies sometimes present settlements that fall short of what victims genuinely deserve. Most victims end up settling. And they soon realize the sums were a mere fraction of what they needed to deal with the accident’s aftermath.

To navigate this situation and ensure fair compensation, seek guidance from a personal injury attorney. They play a pivotal role in assessing damages, including immediate and long-term consequences. Additionally, through negotiation, personal injury attorneys work on behalf of the victim to secure settlements that address immediate needs. The outcomes from these negotiations often adequately cover the enduring costs of the accident's aftermath.

Are There Benefits an Accident Victim Can Access After Being Involved in a Car Accident?

Yes, there are. Auto insurance is designed to cover a range of accident scenarios. They offer protection for policyholders and others involved, for example, pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists. However, despite this comprehensive coverage, there are instances where insurance companies attempt to minimize claim payouts or introduce challenges during the claims process. Navigating through statutory obligations and legal complexities can complicate matters further for individuals seeking fair compensation after an accident. That is why you should enlist the services of an experienced personal injury attorney.

When it comes to the benefits you seek after an accident, they are directly linked to the specific burdens and losses you have experienced. These include:

  • Your injuries.
  • Damages to your property and
  • Other challenges resulting from the crash will shape the types of benefits you pursue.

These sought-after benefits include compensation for medical expenses and lost income, addressing property damages, and considering intangible elements like pain and suffering.

What are the types of benefits accident victims can secure?

  1. Benefits that Address Injuries You Sustained from the Crash

If you have been in a car accident, you could experience a range of injuries, from minor to life-threatening. The severity of these injuries plays a crucial role in determining the compensation you could receive.

For minor injuries, the compensation tends to be on the lower side. It covers immediate medical expenses and short-term inconveniences. However, if you are dealing with life-threatening or life-changing injuries, the need for more substantial compensation becomes apparent. These severe injuries often require extended medical treatments, rehabilitation, and adjustments to accommodate changes in your lifestyle.

Following a car accident, benefits for injuries typically fall into two main categories:

  • Medical benefits and
  • Disability benefits.

Medical benefits primarily cover the costs of necessary medical treatments like hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation. The focus is on ensuring individuals receive the essential healthcare services required for recovery. On the other hand, disability benefits come into play when injuries lead to a temporary or permanent inability to work. Some of these injuries include but are not limited to, the loss of limbs and permanent loss of vision or hearing.

These benefits provide financial support, including compensation for lost wages and assistance in adapting to changes in work or living environments.

These broad categories work together to address various aspects of the aftermath of a car accident. Medical benefits concentrate on physical recovery. They ensure victims receive medical care. Simultaneously, disability benefits offer crucial financial assistance to those facing injury-related income loss.

  1. Benefits Associated With Economic Losses

Economic losses are readily quantifiable due to their tangible and measurable nature. These losses include clear and calculable financial impacts directly resulting from the accident.

Benefits for economic losses are specifically crafted to directly alleviate the measurable impact on your financial well-being. These benefits are structured to cover the concrete financial losses resulting from your injury or accident. Notable categories of benefits tailored to address your economic losses include:

Medical Expenses

You are entitled to compensation for all necessary and reasonable medical expenses related to treating and rehabilitating injuries stemming from the accident. This includes both immediate and future medical costs.

Lost Income and Earning Capacity

Some benefits cover the income lost during your recovery period or due to reduced work capacity. Additionally, you can receive compensation for diminished future earning capacity if your injuries have a lasting impact on your ability to earn.

Property Damage

Reimbursement is available for the costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged property. The property includes your vehicle or other items of value damaged or lost in the accident.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

You can expect compensation for miscellaneous out-of-pocket expenses directly resulting from the accident. This includes transportation costs, home care services, or any other reasonable expenses tied to your injury.

Costs of Adaptations

Compensation is allocated for adapting your living spaces or vehicles to accommodate disabilities or limitations resulting from the accident.

These benefits are designed to meet the specific economic challenges you currently face due to the accident. The objective is to provide financial support that not only addresses immediate expenses but also considers the enduring economic consequences of your injuries.

  1. Benefits for Non-economic Losses

In addition to compensating for economic losses, juries could also award benefits for non-economic losses in personal injury or accident cases. These non-economic losses cover intangible and non-monetary damages resulting from the accident. They include:

Pain and Suffering

The jury awards compensation to accident victims for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injuries sustained in the accident. This award targets actual physical discomfort and agony arising from injuries sustained.

The pain includes the pain endured during medical treatments, rehabilitation, and the overall recovery process. The evaluation of non-economic damages considers the intensity and duration of this physical pain.

Emotional Distress:

Additionally, victims also suffer emotional damage. Benefits could be awarded for psychological or emotional suffering stemming from the trauma of the accident.

This emotional distress takes various forms, each presenting unique challenges. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent manifestation among those who have experienced severe car accidents. Symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and heightened anxiety create a persistent reliving of the traumatic incident, intensifying the emotional toll.

The aftermath of a car accident frequently leads to increased levels of anxiety and depression. The fear associated with driving or being on the road, coupled with the stress of navigating insurance claims and medical treatments, significantly contributes to these mental health challenges. The emotional burden becomes tangible as individuals grapple with uncertainties and disruptions to their daily lives.

Moreover, some individuals develop specific fears or phobias directly linked to the accident, like a fear of driving, crossing intersections, or navigating crowded traffic. These anxieties can become deeply ingrained, complicating returning to normalcy after the accident and impacting both work and personal life.

Loss of Consortium

In cases where injuries impact personal relationships, especially between spouses, juries award compensation for losing companionship, affection, and support.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

It is also likely that the jury will compensate you for the reduced quality of life or the ability to engage in activities that were once enjoyed.

Disfigurement or Scarring

If the accident leads to permanent physical changes, like scarring or disfigurement, juries could grant compensation for the emotional distress associated with these alterations.

These non-economic losses are inherently challenging to quantify in monetary terms due to their subjective nature. Juries evaluate the extent of these losses and determine fair compensation for the intangible impact of the accident on the victim's life.

Compensation for Wrongful Death

In the unfortunate event of an accident leading to the tragic loss of a loved one, surviving family members often have the legal option to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. This legal course of action is initiated to seek compensation for the financial and emotional ramifications resulting from the death of a family member/ However, the death must be attributable to the negligence or intentional actions of another party.

These lawsuits address several dimensions, including:

  1. Financial Losses

Compensation is sought to alleviate the economic impact of the loss. It covers elements such as:

  • The deceased person's prospective earnings.
  • Incurred medical expenses and
  • Funeral costs.
  1. Loss of Support and Companionship

Damages are pursued to address the emotional and relational toll on surviving family members. In their awards, juries recognize the profound loss of support, companionship, and guidance.

Wrongful death claims introduce complexities beyond those associated with personal injury claims. One notable complexity is that not all family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Generally, immediate family members, including spouses, children, and parents, are granted standing to initiate a wrongful death claim.

Note: As mentioned earlier, personal injury attorneys can negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you secure fair compensation. However, your case could proceed to trial if they fail to reach common ground. In trials, juries listen to the case, assign fault, and award damages accordingly. Economic and non-economic damages are referred to as compensatory damages.

Punitive Damages

Juries have the authority to award punitive damages along with compensatory damages. Unlike compensatory damages, which aim to reimburse the injured party for their losses, punitive damages are designed to punish the at-fault party for particularly egregious conduct and serve as a deterrent against similar actions in the future.

Juries could grant punitive damages when the defendant's actions are deemed exceptionally reckless, intentional, or grossly negligent. This applies if the defendant's behavior goes beyond mere negligence.

How Much Am I Likely to Receive from the Various Types of Benefits?

The compensation value in personal injury or wrongful death cases is inherently variable and does not adhere to a fixed standard. It markedly differs from one case to another. Juries play a pivotal role in determining this value. In their assessment, they will take into careful consideration four crucial factors:

  1. Liability and Negligence

Juries evaluate liabilities and negligence when determining the compensation value. These factors are central to establishing the parties' responsibility in cases, particularly those concerning personal injury.

Under liabilities, juries scrutinize which party bears legal responsibility for the damages or injuries suffered by another. This involves determining whether strict liability, negligence, or intentional misconduct is at play. The determination of liability profoundly influences subsequent considerations regarding compensation.

Further, juries examine whether any party failed to meet the requisite duty of care, resulting in harm or injury. Ideally, the jury is determining negligence through this examination. The elements of negligence, including duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages, undergo a thorough evaluation. The extent of negligence significantly shapes the potential compensation awarded.

In their assessment, juries aim to establish the degree to which each party is accountable for the incident and the ensuing harm. The careful consideration of liabilities and negligence forms the basis for the jury's decision on the equitable and just compensation you will receive.

  1. Your Injuries

The assessment of compensation is intricately tied to the severity and types of injuries sustained. This evaluation aims to establish a fair and equitable compensation amount that reflects the impact of the incident on the injured party.

The degree of injury is of paramount importance in this evaluation. More severe injuries necessitating extensive medical interventions, prolonged rehabilitation, or resulting in permanent disability naturally attract greater attention and consideration for a higher compensation amount. This approach underscores the legal system's commitment to addressing the tangible challenges victims face in coping with significant harm.

Simultaneously, the diverse nature of injuries is pivotal in shaping the compensation landscape. Distinct types of injuries, like catastrophic ones like spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, are recognized for their profound and enduring effects. They thus warrant a nuanced compensation approach.

Furthermore, the evaluation extends beyond direct medical costs to encompass broader economic repercussions. Anticipated medical expenses, covering hospitalization, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care, are critical to the compensation calculation. Likewise, the assessment considers the impact on your work capacity, incorporating compensation for lost wages and considering potential ramifications on future earnings.

The legal system acknowledges the intangible yet substantial element of pain and suffering in addressing non-economic damages. Beyond measurable losses, the physical and emotional toll endured by the injured party is factored into the compensation determination.

  1. Property Lost in the Accident

Property losses significantly impact the compensation value following an accident. The varying degree of property value loss is a crucial factor influencing the overall damage assessment.

In the aftermath of an accident, the court scrutinizes the effect on the value of the affected property. The extent of property value loss emerges as a critical determinant in the comprehensive compensation calculation. Different accidents result in varying degrees of property damage. They span from minor repairs to complete losses.

The evaluation of property losses is not solely based on the monetary value of the damaged items but also considers the feasibility of restoring or replacing the property. Irreparable damage or the total loss of property is significant in compensation considerations compared to damages that can be adequately repaired.

Accurate documentation and assessment of property losses become imperative. This includes the valuation of damaged vehicles, personal belongings, or real estate affected by the accident. The objective is to ensure that the compensation awarded aligns precisely with the genuine economic impact you suffered.

  1. The Time You Took to Recover from Your Injuries

The time taken off to recover from an injury bears weight in the final computation of compensation. This consideration is grounded in recognizing that the recovery period includes a substantial financial setback, particularly regarding the income lost.

When you sustain injuries requiring a hiatus from work for recovery, it directly translates into a monetary loss. This is because the absence from work means a lack of income. The computation of compensation comprehensively considers the wages lost during this period. Juries aim to address the financial impact stemming from the injury.

An evaluation of this element is necessary. It should include the immediate time off and potential long-term implications for your ability to work. This broader perspective includes considerations for future lost earning capacity if the injuries affect your professional capabilities.

Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Securing benefits for your suffering, injuries, and losses following a car accident, whether dealing with insurance claims or pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death action, requires the assistance of a personal injury attorney. Legal complexities abound in these scenarios, making an attorney's expertise indispensable.

Even in dealings with insurance companies, complexities may arise. Companies might minimize payouts or navigate legal nuances that might not be apparent to those without legal expertise. A personal injury attorney is crucial to protecting your rights and obtaining fair compensation.

Opting for a personal injury or wrongful death claim introduces further legal intricacies. Establishing liability, presenting evidence, and negotiating a comprehensive settlement demand a nuanced understanding of the legal system. Personal injury attorneys specialize in managing these complexities for the best possible outcomes.

The primary objective of a personal injury attorney is to maximize your compensation. They assess the full extent of your economic and non-economic damages and strategically negotiate with insurance companies or opposing parties. This ensures that you are not shortchanged and receive adequate benefits to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Find an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

If you or a loved one need a personal injury attorney’s help in Los Angeles, call The LA Personal Injury Law Firm. Our team has the requisite experience you need to ensure you secure fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Call us today at 310-935-0089 for a case assessment.